C' 'na luna mezz'u mare
Mamma mia m'a maritare
Figlia mia a cu te dare
Mamma mia pensace tu
Se te piglio lu pesciaiole
Isse vai isse vene
Sempe lu pesce mane tene
Se ce 'ncappa la fantasia
Te pesciulia figghiuzza mia
Là lariulà pesce fritt'e baccalà
Uei cumpà no calamare c'eggi'accattà
C' 'na luna mezz'u mare
Mamma mia m'a maritare
Figlia mia a cu te dare
Mamma mia pensace tu
Se te piglio lu pulezia
Isse vai isse vene
Semp'a scuppetta mane tene
Se ce 'ncappa la fantasia
Te scuppettea figghiuzza mia
Là lariulà pesce fritt'e baccalà
Uei cumpà 'na scuppetta c'eggi'accattà
Lazy Mary you better get up
She answered back I am not able
Lazy Mary you better get up
We need the sheets for the table
Lazy Mary you smoke in bed
There's only one man you should marry
My advice to you would be
Is to pay attention to me
You'd better marry a fireman
He'll come and go, go and come
Sempe la pompa mane tene
Se ce 'ncappa la fantasia
Te pomperia figghiuzza mia
Là lariulà pesce fritt'e baccalà
Uei cumpà 'na pompina c'eggi'accattà
0 cummà ca m' voglio marità
Trovame 'na uagliotta
Ca me voglio marità
Trovame 'na uagliotta
Ca me voglio marità
Trovame 'na uagliotta
Ca me voglio marità
In the spring of 1958, he was back on the charts with the popular million-selling hit, "Lazy Mary", a catchy remake of what had been a huge hit for Rudy Vallee in 1938.
LAZY MARY (Luna Mezzo Mare)
(proper spelling followed by phonetic pronunciation)
C’na luna mezz’u mare
CHEH-nah LOO-nah MEN-zoo MAH-reh
Mamma mia m’a maritare
MAH-mah MEE-ah mah mah-ree-DAH-ray
Figlia mia a cu te dare
FIH-lee-ah MEE-ah GOO-deh DAH-ray
Mamma mia pensace tu
MAH-mah MEE-ah ben-ZATCH-eh-doo
Se te piglio lu pesciaiole
zeh teh BILL-yoo-oh bee-shigh-YOH-lah
Isse vai isse vene
IH-soo VAH-eh IH-soo VEH-neh
Sempe lu pesce mane tene
ZEHM-peh loh BAY-sheh MAH-neh DAY-neh
Se ce ‘ncappa la fantasia
zay ching-GAHP-pah-lah vahn-dah-ZEE-ah
Te pesculia figghiuzza mia
day beh-shoo-LEE-ah vee-GYOOTS-zah meeah
Lࠬariul࠰esce fritt’e baccal༯em>
lah lah-REE-oo-lah BEH-sheh VREET-teh bah-kah-LAH
Uei cumpo calamare c’eggi’accatt༯em>
way goom-BAH noh gah-lah-MAH-leh jeh-jah-kah-TAH
(Second stanza)
C’na luna mezz’u mare
CHEH-neh LOO-neh MEN-zoo MAH-reh
Mamma mia m’a maritare
MAH-mah MEE-ah mah mah-ree-DAH-ray
Figlia mia a cu te dare
FIH-lee-ah MEE-ah GOO-dah-DAH-ray
Mamma mia pensace tu
MAH-mah MEE-ah ben-ZATCH-eh-doo
Se te piglio lu pulezia
zeh-teh BILL-yoo-oh boo-luht-ZEE-ah
Isse vai isse vene
IH-soo VAH-eh IH-soo VEH-neh
Semp’a scuppetta mane tene
ZEHM-peh shkoop-PEHT-tah MAH-neh DAY-neh
Se ce ‘ncappa la fantasia
zee ching-GAHP-pah-lah vahn-dah-ZEE-ah
Te scuppettea figghiuzza mia
day shkoop-peh-TEE-ah vee-GYOOTS-zah meeah
Lࠬariul࠰esce fritt’e baccal༯em>
lah lah-REE-oo-lah BEH-sheh VREET-teh bah-kah-LAH
Uei cumpࠦ#8216;na scuppetta c’eggi’accatt༯em>
way goom-BAH nah shkoo-PEHT-tah jeh-jah-kah-TAH
(And now for you nice ladies and gentlemen out there who don't
understand the Italian language, I'd like to do two choruses in British)
Lazy Mary you better get up
She answered back I am not able
Lazy Mary you better get up
We need the sheets for the table
Lazy Mary you smoke in bed
There’s only one man you should marry
My advice to you would be
Is to pay attention to me
You?d better marry a fireman
He’ll come and go, go and come
Sempe la pompa mane tene
ZEHM-beh lah BUHM-bah MAH-neh DAY-neh
Se ce ‘ncappa la fantasia
zay ching-GAH-pah-lah vahn-dah-ZEE-ah
Te pomperia figghiuzza mia
deh bohm-BEH-ree-ah vee-GYOOTS-zah meeah
Lࠬariul࠰esce fritt’e baccal༯em>
lah lah-REE-oo-lah BEH-sheh VREET-teh bah-kah-LAH
Uei cumpࠦ#8216;na pompina c’eggi’accatt༯em>
way goom-BAH nah bohm-BEE-nah jeh-jah-kah-TAH
0 cummࠣa me voglio marit༯em>
oh goom-MAH gah meh VOHL-yee-oh mah-ree-DAH
Trovame ‘na uagliotta
troh-VAH-meh nah while-YOHT-tah
Ca me voglio marit༯em>
gah meh VOHL-yee-oh mah-ree-DAH
Trovame ‘na uagliotta
troh-VAH-meh nah while-YOHT-tah
Ca me voglio marit༯em>
gah meh VOHL-yee-oh mah-ree-DAH
Trovame ‘na uagliotta
troh-VAH-meh nah while-YOHT-tah
Ca me voglio marit༯em>
gah meh VOHL-yee-oh mah-ree-DAH
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